Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ads of the World

I thought it would be appropriate to post this webpage. Though all of the posts that I used using this sight I targeted the Serbia region but, it is interesting to see a very font base in all print and even video advertising in our modern market. I find this to be a huge reason why we see this in the work of Slavimir Stojanovic. Furthermore there is a trend of minimalism. Not normally on the extent of Stojanovic but, pretty close. Through this research I found that Slavimir's art is almost the epitome of modern advertising. Have a look for yourself. http://adsoftheworld.com/

Slavimir Stojanovic Futuro Dance

A video by and of Slavimir Stojanovic that is actually pretty funny. Also very similar to the previous post of the mtv advertisement. Again just one shot and very simple. This is an art piece though rather than just a joke because, it can be found on his official website. http://www.slavimir.com/

Serbian TV Ad

Though in video we see a very simple commercial with only one shot and an animation at the end of it. With the same characterization of the print ads of the region.

Regional Ads

These are more ads just from Serbia and other Serbian graphic designers and art directors.

We can really see a similarity in these and the work of Stojanovic. They are very simple and clean but, get the message across very effectively though they are not necessarily trying to sell you something. These could be a result of Slavimir's influence or a common characteristic of the region but, the area does seem to have very characterized ads. 

Another Serbian Ad

Belgrad Specific Advertisement

Serbian Advertisement