Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Serbian Artist Djordje Ozbolt



Djordje Ozbolt

Born: 1967

Lives: London

Shown by: 303 Gallery C12 Herald St D11

Mining a variety of art-historical styles, tropes and visual references, Serbian artist Djordje Ozbolt’s simply composed paintings conceal a sharp political tongue. His strategies range from the deft puncturing of pompous ideals and the undermining of grand narratives to the highlighting of exploitation in a variety of fields; the fetishization of African art in Postcolonial Discourse (2010), in which a meat-filled Delft bowl balances atop a half-sunken African sculpture, and the icon-like imagery of Baby Jesus Brings Rain to Africa (2010) are used to scrutinize the religious commodification of a continent. Elsewhere, Ozbolt’s ease at concealment in pastiche and humour takes on advertising ploys, political figureheads and cultural identity in a quietly surreal register with a sliding scale of outrage. (PT)


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